The Finale

It’s hard to believe my bootcamp has come to an end. The past three months have flown by. When I began this bootcamp, I only knew the absolute fundamentals of basic JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I had never heard of Next.js or Django, and I knew very little of Python and React. I have learned so much and am so thankful for this opportunity. Yet, I also recognize how little I know. Software development is a huge field full of incredibly knowledgeable people, and I am just scratching the surface of this innovative career path. I am motivated to continue learning, growing, and pushing myself to become the best developer I can be.

I loved the bootcamp. Remote work can be challenging and comes with its own issues, but I am so grateful Iw as able to complete the boot camp this summer. As a former educator, it allowed me to work on the bootcamp while still having some supplemental income coming in to support my family. I am most thankful for the relationships I have built along the way,a dn the great community my bootcamp gave me. I hope to continue working on this blog, updating me and moving it into Next.js. However, if I blog in the future, I will do it from a different site. Why, you ask? Because I want to keep this as an example of my bootcamp experience. I do not want to ever forget where I came from in this journey, and no project or piece of code exemplified this journey quite like this blog.

What Lies Ahead

Now, I focus on the future. Finding an entry level role that fits my passions and allows me to continue learning and growing. Continuing to push myself to dive deeper into this beautiful world. Learning my React Hooks and Next.js ‘use client’ (oh boy), and pushing myself deeper into backend development with SQL Server and other Django. I am excited for the future and can't wait to dig deeper into all of these things. I am excited to do freelance work and push myself as an entrepreneur the way I never have before. The idea of working on my own always scares me as a young man. Too insecure, I thought. But that's because I felt I didn't have marketable skills. Now that I have the foundations of software development at my disposal, I know I can achieve the life that I want for my wife and my future kids. I’m thankful to God, to my wife, my family, and the incredible staff at Awesome Inc. for pushing me through this journey. I could not have survived boot camp without them. So the push for work begins, and the push towards a new career. Wish me luck!

fullstack development